Friday 21 October 2011

Frieze experience 13/10/2011

Train trip down, attempting to get into 'Visual Culture' edited by Chris Jenks- some quite interesting observations about dominance of  interpreting the world through visual means (See what I mean? What is your view?). Part of his argument is that this somewhat formulaic approach dulls our perception.

Coffee at St Pancras, now a wonderful space to be in -a few minutes refuge behind the Americano, playing the voyeur to the London tableau.

Regents Park- ( Frieze - 173 galleris  from 33 countries)
Great venue and setting for the sculptures
  •  Will Ryman's huge red flower hits you in the eye but does little else
  • Circular piece of metalic,silver dancers, obviously referencing Matisse but without his sense of joy- what is dance without joy??
  • Gavin Turk's 'Ajar' - door and frame set in the grass- an invitation to a new experience, I hope so?
Approaching the tent and queuing with a heightened sense of anticipation.
I try to open my mind, but as someone who has strong interest in painting beyong pattern making.......

What is fascinating is the variety of what is on offer:
  • Works with homour, 'ready made' etc. How far can this be taken? E.g. Claire Fontaine's work- a neon sign spelling out " This neon sign was made by Vladimir Rustinov for the remuneration of one hundred and sixty thousand rubles"....The Artist's intention fabricated by a specialist.. once this point is made what else is there? It is not particularly pleasing to look at- if I look at  it tomorrow would it tell me anything else? If not why would I wish to purchase /own??
  • The ultimate 'Ready made' .Christian  Jankowski's boat - bought for £65m, but selling it as ,art for £70m. Options:
  1. Tophy for the super rich / super gullible
  2. Emperor's clothes
  3. Art
          My great fear is that Sunderland may educate me to see this as ART!

    • Scott King's poster entitled "Marxist disco cancelled" brought a smile and a train of thought- perhaps its done its job? How much should you look for in a work of art?
    Some of the works which caught my eye............


      Interesting that some of the 'big names' on show seem to have big names for a good reason- their works are good! e.g. Tacita Dean, Richard Long, Richter....

      Richard Long
      Tacita Dean
      Gerhard Richter
      Antidote to Modern Art

      Called in at British Library en route to KingsX
      Viewed Jain Sacred Texts - low light levels, few people,quiet, imtimate, contemplative.
      Multiple, small, semi abstract images - reds and golds. They appear rich, full of life, with evident skill in their execution and despite being from a different culture, speak directly. Not something I found much at the Frieze!

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